Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Rocky update

So this morning, I hit the balcony - every time I think to head out there now, I can't but help think that I'll find him (Rocky) sleeping in the corner. Well, no sign (in every sense of that word) of him this morning , but then I noticed something completely weird and ugly on the railing. God it was gross. Of course, completely slimy - though I didn't dare touch it - little pieces of which were scattered all along the railing, with weird tiny bugs feasting on whatever it was. Upon closer inspection it appeared to be a rotten green pepper. I do not want to know what the orange slime was on it. Come on you raccoons - what's the DEAL. Go be disgusting somewhere else. Preferably at ground level. Preferably underground.
That varmint better not show his face 'round these parts anymore.

1 comment:

krista zee said...

Was it in the spot Corey wanted to saw off?