Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Ok I'm back, sorry

Conversations with Auntie:

Auntie: Anyone interesting on the streetcar today?
Me: No one interesting today. Just stupid people who keep loading themselves in through the back doors. And then they laugh 'cause it's awkward, but it's only awkward because there's no room for them at all and they're probably just embarrassingly laughing at themselves 'cause they look so stupid cramming their bodies into an already JAMMED streetcar. And then the driver yells at everyone on the car because someone's standing on the back steps and "the door won't close if you're standing on the back steps." Heard that about 100 times already today.


krista zee said...

and THAT pretty much sums up my mornings EVERYDAY AT BATHURST STATION.

Kathryn Halpie-poo said...

Ridiculousness. Beyond words.

Back to Bolt said...
