Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Happy Snowz

People and their snow freak outs. You should have even seen this woman on the streetcar this morning – it was so packed and I could barely get off so I said excuse me so people would let me through (obviously) and she said, “There’s like no room.” Ok, so does that mean I should just STAY on the streetcar then and NOT TRY to get off then?! Would it just be pointless for me to try to move because YOU SAY there is NO ROOM!? Is there REALLY NO ROOM!????!
That is all.


krista zee said...

I know what you mean. Like
"oh yeah, no PROBLEM- I will just go PAST my stop so that I don't inconvenience YOU lady!"

Back to Bolt said...

You should start brining a cattle prod with you.

Meaghan said...

Sorry about your rage!