Friday, October 14, 2011

Office thoughts

You know what really gets my goat? Office people who do not properly wash a mug. They claim to have washed it, it looks washed, and then upon closer inspection, there are LIP marks. When I see this on a mug I just think, what part of the cup DID they wash? HONESTLY.
Also, also, I'm officially over herb and garlic cream cheese from Tim Horton's. I told them to put on half the amount on a sandwich today - which I think they did - but it is just wrong. Doesn't taste the way it used to; plus I'm not even supposed to eat dairy anymore.
Lastly - lastly - Oktoberfest. I'm going tonight. Kim Mitchell was playing. When my cousin booked the tickets she said, "Hope you like her." HER? WHO doesn't know who Kim Mitchell is!???!

Oh PS - wanted to update you on the Behr situation. They came back to me saying I need to present them with the original receipt for the paint, not a duplicate. I said well of course I don't have this after having done the painting a full seven months before I finally contacted them. They CALLED me yesterday to tell me in the weirdest phone message that since I don't have the original receipt the LABEL from the paint can will do. If I haven't kept a receipt for seven months will I really instead have kept an empty paint can!? Come on people, I wrote back the following:

If Behr wants to continue to have me and anyone in my circle of friends and family (not to mention anyone in the social media world) remain consumers of Behr paint then you will accept my duplicate receipt/copy of my credit card transaction. Otherwise I will not purchase Behr again and will instead buy Benjamin Moore for my next project. Please confirm at your earliest convenience. I will be buying new paint within the next couple of days and need to know which brand to buy. Thank you.



Meaghan said...

YESSSSSSSSSS to all of the above.

Also, thanks for updating. LOVE.

krista zee said...

She prolly thought it was KIM