Friday, November 7, 2008


Last night B and I took a cab home and this cabbie was yammering on and on and ON about garbage pick-up in Toronto and complaining up and down about garbage this, garbage that (you know how cabbies are). Then he and B started talking about 1-800-GOT-JUNK and the guy was saying how he basically has a storage locker filled with stuff he doesn't know what to do with (i.e. to throw out or not to throw out - like old blinds, etc... !??!), that he pays $150 a month for (what a loser!) So then he started saying how he's totally going to call the 1-800-GOT-JUNK guys and was going on and on about this and then at one point he goes, "Yah, I'm just going to call 1-Got-Hundred-Junk."

When we got out of the cab I just about died with laughter. 1-Got-Hundred-Junk!??? And he WASN'T KIDDING AROUND.

I'm still laughing about it right now... and tearing up.


krista zee said...


Mon P said...

OMG...cracking up at my desk over this! It had to be an indian cabbie!

Kathryn Halpie-poo said...

No, surprisingly. Haha, why do you say Indian? They like storage lockers?? ;-)