Thursday, August 18, 2011

On the topic of free things

Here to update y'all once again on more free things I've procured. Well, it's one at the moment, and I still have to put a bit of work into this one, but the other one I may get later this week.

Soooooo, on the Family Day weekend in February of this year my fiancé, mom and myself painted our (my fiancé's and my; not my fiancé's, mom's and my) bedroom. It's a big room. We chose Behr colour Silver Charm, which I agonized over for months until finally deciding on it. Long story short, the edging never, and still hasn't ever matched the walls. I'm not talking about the trim, I'm talking about the upper, lower and all corner edges of the room. It's the most annoying thing! People would come over and check out our new shade and say, "Oh, you need another coat." No, we did not actually, we had done plenty, and still had a terrible result. Fast (more like slow, because it's me we're talking about) forward to earlier this week. I sent Behr a message through their website explaining the sitch. No one had been able to tell me one way or the other WHY this had happened or how to ensure it would NOT happen again, so I went to the source (walked, but didn't run. I had to get a few months of complaining about this situation you see).

No later than two days after I sent them a message I received a great response. It wasn't the response of "We'll come over and repaint the room for you, and while we're at it we'll give your house a total paint, design and furniture makeover!" but it was more one of, "For your trouble, we'll reimburse you the cost of a new can of paint." Small victories.

Thanks Behr, you made a woman's day. Now I just have to track down that pesky receipt from Home Depot to produce to Behr. One tiny caveat. But still, more free (sort of) things!

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