Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Gone Crackers!

Don't you just love the smell of a good health food store? I know I do. The spelt flour, banana chips and natural peanut butter just perfume the air in the subtlest of ways, reminding me of days of yore.

Something that I recently discovered at the health food store: Mary's Organic Crackers. Love these things! And my officemate loves to steal them from me too. Gluten free and allllllll cracker, baby.

Pick up a box of these today!I just bought the herb variety last night - won me over just as much as the black pepper, pictured here.

They're not exactly 'easy on the pocketbook' (whatever 'pocketbook' really means), but they are easy on the stomach, and the brain when you think about the deliciousness of Mary's creation.

Thanks a bundle, Mary!

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