Thursday, January 15, 2009

Paying the fare

Was on the Spadine car this morn. A girl gets on. Streetcar driver says, "Can you please pay the fare?" after she had sat down sans flashing a pass or tossing any coins in the box. Then for about three minutes, she rifles - albeit gingerly - through her purse, really taking her time. No, "Sorry," no, "Hang on a minute," she just took her sweet time while the driver sat right there and held up the whole car (not that I blame him).

After some time, the driver asks her if she has it. She continues to shuffle items around in her bag. He then says, "Maybe you should look for your fare outside. You're holding everybody up." At long last she finally exclaims, "Fine I'll pay the fare!!" And he's like, "Next time please have it ready like everyone else." She then went on to accuse him of having an attitude problem. She also (stupidly) exclaimed that she "worked for the city" and he shouldn't be talking to her that way. She then proceeded to videotape everything he was saying to her on her digi cam.. He goes, "Do you want me to smile?"

This girl was soooooo angry. I just can't figure it out. Did she just think she could slink by unnoticed? That's not going to work when you're boarding a streetcar with about nine people on it in total and you proceed to sit right at the front of the car.

Is she in works to start her own version of some lame reality TV show where she busts people for their "attitude problems"?


krista zee said...

the same thing happen on the bathurst car last week but it was a dood who went to the very back and sat down.... the driver made him come to the front- where he looked in his 2, count em 2 pockets for about 14 minutes....

Ernestine's switchboard said...

OH I love that...I work for the city...ha! I'm guessing that she does not infact work for the city but probably uses "city services" such as the needle disposal unit, the out of the cold homeless program, and/or city STD treatment centre!
God I love those people!

Kathryn Halpie-poo said...

Erin, STOP!!!!!!!!

KZ - Two pockets for 14 minutes. Golden.