Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Long of breath and short of ear

This morning, arrived in the office to find a giant cinnamon coffee cake topped (not 'topped' but with on top) with Eggies and reeeeaal milk chocolate eggs with a giant THANK YOU note with a fake flower on it. Who was it from? Our cleaning lady. Thanking us? What, for being low maint? I'll take it either way :-)

Now I'm bingeing as my work for the rest of the day. Heh, heh, heh.

Ten minutes ago picked up a new computer for our new employee from a nearby office building. While I was waiting outside with the Dell boxes, a rather eccentric, quasi-homeless woman walked by and said, "Looks like you're having a Dell of a good time." It doesn't get much better than this folks. Reminds me of the time my Hungarian high school art teacher used the phrase 'whale of a good time' totally out of context when she asked us, "How many whales of a good time are we having now?"

Monday, March 29, 2010

Elle est fameux!

Go Desia, Go Desia:

In other news, this morning when I was on the King car (am having to get used to a new 'crowd' taking this streetcar to work. I'm still not there yet), there was a dood standing next to me - in the seated position - who was totally chewin away on a piece of gum and smacking it and macking it and all the rest of it. I shot him an evil glance, as did two other girls sitting in front of me. He even did one of those blow a bubble in your mouth and then tongue pop it things. So sick. It's 8:15am buckaroo, do you really have to do this RIGHT NOW, in the confines of this tiny ancient streetcar? Please, just transport yourself to work, while keeping to yourself in an orderly fashion, which does not involve communicating sounds via the mouth hole.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

My kind of family

Yes, Albertan family! My boyfriend's sis and bro-in-law told me early in 2010 they were going to try to go the whole year without using any plastic throwaway containers. Have they been successful? I haven't yet checked in.

Heck, I want to radio interview this family, and I don't even have any radio skillz, OR a show. Now that's inspiration. Those little boys have some cool parents. Environmental kudos to you!

"Fact: According to the United Nations Environment Programme, 90,000 ships worldwide transport 90 per cent of the world’s goods, and shipping emissions will increase by more than 70 per cent by 2020." -"Could your family last one year without anything new?", Toronto Star, 23 Mar 2010.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Not yet jet

So I haven't yet provided those juicy updates as I said I would. But I still will. They'll just be completely out of date and perhaps not relevant. But, still funny slash juicy.

Something great from this morning: I was walking out the doors at the west Spadina subway entrance and saw a guy try to push open a door that wouldn't budge, when he at once exclaimed, "Seriously?" A-he was talking to the door.

I should have been like, Who are you talking to?

Friday, March 12, 2010

Hilarity ensues

Oh my god oh my god I have the juiciest of updates for y'all shortly. So many lightning bolts/things have happened this morning alone! Aie!! And, I have a birthday dinner and trip to Waterloo fast approaching ce weekend. Word.

Let me start off with this gem: Came across a guy's e-mail address at work:


Wednesday, March 10, 2010

I've loaded my gun with blood

I'm in love with this song just lately. What a tremendous band, especially with which to serenade the ears whiling away the hours at my daytime occupation.

So, the big move is fast approaching. Bron is moving upstairs. I'm moving several blocks and a bit south. We're both kind of feeling like, why pack? But I know I'm going to regret not jamming things into boxes and bags as the day fast approaches. We've been delayed two or three times now. Can we please move in before I'm kicked outta my current place? Kthanksbye. The other day walking up to the house, found a large freshly poisoned (we think) rat on the driveway. I pray to the lord it didn't come from inside the house. Pleasepleasepleasepleaseplease. The mouse that decided to die under the sofa at 666 was bad enough. Thought the neighbours were keeping garbage on their balcony again for the second year in a row, but after seeing not a trace of garbage - not even a loaf of bread or carton of juice atop the mound, MP - Nick's apartment (read: rat's nest; dead rats in the walls, under the sink, making stains on his belongings) flashed back through my mind and I moved the very sofa I had been relaxing on to find the tiniest of mouse, lying dead, the new home of all shapes and sizes of larvae and probably baby roaches, etc.

Here's to turning over a dead mouse, I mean new leaf.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Komm gibt mir deine Hand

On my way home tonight I walked by this place that sells eyeglasses, can't think of what those places are called right now - not at work, brain is mush - and they had this terrible typewritten though unprofessional sign in the window. Currently along Roncesvalles, there is major construction happening, which has been the case for like a year probably. So, some of the businesses are suffering as a result, but most are still getting walk-in traffic, naturally. So they had this sign up that said something like "Top ten reasons we like the constractions along Roncesvalles." I don't remember exactly what it said, but it DEFINITELY had the (non-)word constractions in it. I will have to take a picture of it or something. And again, can't remember everything the list said, but a few were as follows:

1) "We don't have to dress up to go to work (fitness close [sic] is fine)" This one bothers me on a few levels. Just because there is constractions, why is this a reason to dress down? And fitness clothes? Why fitness? What would possess the staff to choose fitness inspired fashions? And lastly, CLOSE, i.e. CLOTHES??!? Shut right up.

2) Ah shit that's all I can remember. Definitely taking a picture/bringing a notebook for my way by tomorrow.

They're brown so it's ok

Our kitchen at work is always well stocked with brown paper towels. You know the kind, they're always folded neatly in a rectangular manner and in elementary school they used them to distribute the pizza on Pizza Day and they were what you dried your hands with in the washroom. My colleague informed me the other day that he uses a LOT of these. His rationale: they're brown, so it's ok.

Emotional eating

Last weekend Bron and I were indulging in some breakfast in the morning hours. Or, it was probably early afternoon. After two heaping bowls of Mini-Wheats and four or maybe even five pieces of cinnamon toast:

Me: Are you emotional eating?
Bron: No. Maybe.

Brutal. Anyway, so yesterday I was engaging in a bit of emotional eating myself. It was an upsettlingly boring day at the office, so on my lunch I went to my local 7-11 and bought 20 of those 5-cent gummie candies and three caramels. I probably should have only bought about 5 of those gummies. After about 15 of them, my stomach just shut down and wouldn't let me eat anymore. Wah wahhh. I was able to plow through all the caramels though. I'm seriously probably going to have about eight cavities after yesterday's escapades. I'm sorry my precious teeth.