Friday, March 19, 2010

Not yet jet

So I haven't yet provided those juicy updates as I said I would. But I still will. They'll just be completely out of date and perhaps not relevant. But, still funny slash juicy.

Something great from this morning: I was walking out the doors at the west Spadina subway entrance and saw a guy try to push open a door that wouldn't budge, when he at once exclaimed, "Seriously?" A-he was talking to the door.

I should have been like, Who are you talking to?


Meaghan said...

I am the queen of talking to (yelling at) inaminate objects.

Kathryn Halpie-poo said...

I feel like I'm becoming that way now too. Lately inanimate objects have been really uncooperative with me. Like, trying to open the plastic wrapping on a package of gum with one hand. Really? Why is it soooo difficult? This is GUM we're talking about here - not like something that has been baby-proofed or nothing. Seriously. It just w o u l d n't let me open it.

Meaghan said...

Haha, that was like my cell phone this morning. The alarm went off and I COULD NOT turn it off. I had to reboot my phone for it to stop being so g.d. annoying. It got a good lickin', I can tell you that much!