Wednesday, March 10, 2010

I've loaded my gun with blood

I'm in love with this song just lately. What a tremendous band, especially with which to serenade the ears whiling away the hours at my daytime occupation.

So, the big move is fast approaching. Bron is moving upstairs. I'm moving several blocks and a bit south. We're both kind of feeling like, why pack? But I know I'm going to regret not jamming things into boxes and bags as the day fast approaches. We've been delayed two or three times now. Can we please move in before I'm kicked outta my current place? Kthanksbye. The other day walking up to the house, found a large freshly poisoned (we think) rat on the driveway. I pray to the lord it didn't come from inside the house. Pleasepleasepleasepleaseplease. The mouse that decided to die under the sofa at 666 was bad enough. Thought the neighbours were keeping garbage on their balcony again for the second year in a row, but after seeing not a trace of garbage - not even a loaf of bread or carton of juice atop the mound, MP - Nick's apartment (read: rat's nest; dead rats in the walls, under the sink, making stains on his belongings) flashed back through my mind and I moved the very sofa I had been relaxing on to find the tiniest of mouse, lying dead, the new home of all shapes and sizes of larvae and probably baby roaches, etc.

Here's to turning over a dead mouse, I mean new leaf.

1 comment:

Mon P said... can i forget the breaded balcony! We should have taken photos of that...