Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Long of breath and short of ear

This morning, arrived in the office to find a giant cinnamon coffee cake topped (not 'topped' but with on top) with Eggies and reeeeaal milk chocolate eggs with a giant THANK YOU note with a fake flower on it. Who was it from? Our cleaning lady. Thanking us? What, for being low maint? I'll take it either way :-)

Now I'm bingeing as my work for the rest of the day. Heh, heh, heh.

Ten minutes ago picked up a new computer for our new employee from a nearby office building. While I was waiting outside with the Dell boxes, a rather eccentric, quasi-homeless woman walked by and said, "Looks like you're having a Dell of a good time." It doesn't get much better than this folks. Reminds me of the time my Hungarian high school art teacher used the phrase 'whale of a good time' totally out of context when she asked us, "How many whales of a good time are we having now?"


Meaghan said...

A) Wtf is an EGGIE?
B) Dell of a good time. CLASSIC.

Mon P said...

OMG...this totally reminds me of Bob and his vernacular!