Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Komm gibt mir deine Hand

On my way home tonight I walked by this place that sells eyeglasses, can't think of what those places are called right now - not at work, brain is mush - and they had this terrible typewritten though unprofessional sign in the window. Currently along Roncesvalles, there is major construction happening, which has been the case for like a year probably. So, some of the businesses are suffering as a result, but most are still getting walk-in traffic, naturally. So they had this sign up that said something like "Top ten reasons we like the constractions along Roncesvalles." I don't remember exactly what it said, but it DEFINITELY had the (non-)word constractions in it. I will have to take a picture of it or something. And again, can't remember everything the list said, but a few were as follows:

1) "We don't have to dress up to go to work (fitness close [sic] is fine)" This one bothers me on a few levels. Just because there is constractions, why is this a reason to dress down? And fitness clothes? Why fitness? What would possess the staff to choose fitness inspired fashions? And lastly, CLOSE, i.e. CLOTHES??!? Shut right up.

2) Ah shit that's all I can remember. Definitely taking a picture/bringing a notebook for my way by tomorrow.

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