Tuesday, October 28, 2008

O Qanada

Spookey Ruben will be showing his first solo art exhibit at Fountain Gallery (Queen and Palmerston) from November 6-16, 2008. Opening reception will be November 6 at 7 p.m. Please see artist's bio below, written by yours me:

Toronto, ON - Underground pop legend, Spookey Ruben, most widely known in some circles, not only for his music, but for his groundbreaking music videos, has his foot firmly planted in visual ground. Ruben is currently in production of his third short film for his popular ExclaimTV series, 'Spookey Ruben's Dizzy Playground'. His latest edition, "Space Package," features John McEntire of Tortoise/The Sea and Cake. In addition to his love of video, Ruben has been drawing and painting his whole life. He has been conceptualizing his idea of flags as art objects over the past six years.

In 'O Qanada,' Ruben explores what happens when elements of the Canadian flag are replaced with something else, transmuting two different things. In examining how a flag is like a human face, Ruben posits: How many clues do you need to give away (i.e. mouth, eyes, nose) to say, 'Oh, that's a face'? In this case, how readily do two red rectangles imply the Canadian flag? He has always found the Canadian flag an elementary, comprehensive flag, not with "all these miniature stars and indecipherable elements, but very in-your-face," and wishes the sometimes complicated Canadian identity was equally as bold as its flag. Above all, Ruben urges viewers to see 'O Qanada' as a visual experiment of the iconography of the Canadian flag rather than a political statement.

As a purveyor of all things candy for the ear and eye, Ruben doesn't stop with 'O Qanada,' using simply wood, and red and white stains. The main components of each flag protrude from a white background to bring attention to a heart, or the circle of the Japanese flag, for example. Ruben is always after an eternal boldness. Big, basic shapes have always been appealing to him. His 3-D expression of bold shapes, this idea of big Lego blocks, has a fun, tangible quality to it. Beyond the juxtaposition of the bold with the deceptively simple, there is a surprise element to Ruben's pieces. Upon inspection, parts of each piece open to reveal an array of 'ethnic delights' (inner mysteries?).

Spookey Ruben is a Toronto based musician, composer, and visual artist. This is his debut solo exhibit. His upcoming album, "Mechanical Royalty" will be released December 2008.

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