Thursday, October 9, 2008

Vertically, chronologically or horizontally?

This morning I was in a brief meeting. We had a visitor at the meeting, helping us with some database stuff. At one point she said this:

"When you're working with a system, it's systemic, and it does things systematically."

No lie.

In other news, I don't know if I've already told you this, but I love Roseanne so much I could throw up. I was watching it this morning and it was the ep when they can't afford to buy Becky an $80 prom dress. Roseanne was trying to embarrass Becky at the mall and she said to some teen girlz walking by, "Hey dudes, have you heard the new Pink Nipple album?" I effing laughed out loud. Alone.

I rarely do that.

Oh Roseanne... :-)

1 comment:

Mon P said...

OMg Km, I love Rosanne too..and remembering that episode right now is making me crack up..although its a little muffled/silent laugh since i'm at work..