Saturday, October 18, 2008

Ped Egg

I love infomercials, as you all know by now, but my god, there are some that I just don't accept.

Case in point: saw the infomercial for Ped Egg.

You know this thing? It's a fucking callous-removing, exfoliating device, but the 'mercial for it is sooooo gross. Near the end of the infomerziale they show the woman who just essentially shaved the bottom of her foot, open the Ped Egg (the name!!) and dump the contents of the Egg into the garbage. And the grossest part? There was so much SHIT to dump out of it. I'm like, how many feet did you shave, woman!? And what the hell kind of skin grows on YOUR feet!???!

My executive opinion: This product should almost be called Peg Leg, 'cause after you shave (amputate) your foot with the thing, only thing you might just have left is a stump!!!!!!

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