Tuesday, September 30, 2008


I don't know about yous guys, but I really don't like that stupid new Calibri font. It's kind of like the new Facebook to me; why did they go and change something - in this case, Arial? Why did Arial NEED to be changed, or made new either? It's such a lame attempt to try to be trendy and turn over a new word processing leaf. I'm not into it.

Every time I open a new document at work and Calibri is the default I promptly change it.

Calibri, you're not getting any face time in my fontiverse. Ha, fontiverse.


spookeyxyz said...

haha fontiverse!!!!

spookeyxyz said...

i don't think i've seen calibri yet!?

Kathryn Halpie-poo said...

It's an MS Word thing. Bleeeagch. Sczenesczh.

Anonymous said...

Suck me!
