Friday, July 25, 2008

Are you really optimistic?

You know those age old expressions, Glass half empty, Glass half full, and Which one of the two are you?, etc., etc.?

Glass half empty means you are a pessimist and glass half full means you are an optimist, right? I just don't see why this is.

I believe that if you were a true optimist and you saw a glass half occupied with whatever, you wouldn't see it as half full, but really only half empty. Saying something is half empty is hardly pessimistic at all; how can you say it any other way? It's actually just realistic.

I think these were expressions made up to ineffectively prove points and confuse people for eternity.

All of a sudden, I'm kind of confused...

Ok, ok, at the end of the day, really, both expressions mean exactly the same thing. Quibbling not needed!

Mmmwhy did I write this post?


Meaghan said...

--- I believe that seeing the glass as half-full makes you an optimistic. The end.

Meaghan said...