Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Juice Weasels and the like

Today I was inspired to write a post on something I love: infomercials. Maybe some of you will find this hard to believe (well, knowing me you won't), but I mean, in general.

I love infomercials so much, to me they are the equivalent of sitting down in front of a great flick that's been on my 'To See' list for ages.

Can I tell you that I have seen the infomercial for the Magic Bullet at least 55 times? Back in the day when I lived at home, and now even, there was nothing I enjoyed more on a Sunday afternoon than plunking myself down on the old sofe to really take in an excellent infomerch.

And I don't tune in for just a few minutes either. Since the whole thing is basically a commercial in and of itself - therefore not requiring any extracurricular commercial breaks - I am literally glued to the thing for the entire hour that it airs. With regular TV I am constantly getting up and down, not being able to decide if the show I'm watching is really worth my time. But infomercials, I'm telling you, they have it all figured out.


In the spirit of infos, here is a fave old In Living Colour sketch of mine.


Ernestine's switchboard said...

Serisouly The magic bullet is amazing! Like an old friend when it comes on...I can't pull myself away....best part the cameo of the old/young women who's 30 but acting 65 who apparently is still hungover from a party that all of her youngs kids have had?

Kathryn Halpie-poo said...

I know, I can't get over the tremendous stereotypes in that 'merch, and how all the people of the different stereotypes have different needs that would be beautifully met by the Bullet. Divine, I tell you.